Sunday, 25 October 2009

Higher Prelim 2010

I can understand why Standard Grade prelims are more of a pressing concern for Modern Studies teachers just now, but, as ever, teachers need to multi task and think of the kind of questions Higher pupils will be asked in January or February.

In an ideal world, teachers wouldn't teach to any exam. You'd teach the syllabus, then come up with an assessment. But, in reality, come next February, the Higher course won't be finished before Prelims need to be set. Perhaps only three units (out of four or five)will be completed, as well as preparation to sit Paper Two.

So, its wise to think ahead. The Prelim is a very important exam. Its the only opportunity for pupils to experience what its like to attempt 4 x 15 mark questions in 90 minutes, closely followed by a Paper Two, with all its unique demands.

The prelim can then be invaluable in providing pupils with the kind of feedback that can move them on to the next level. Writing a great essay is a lot easier when you have the books in front of you and all night to write it. Learning how to revise, manage time, answer questions in a short time span (especially when there's maybe another three or four Highers to prepare for at the same time) is a different matter altogether.

Lastly, the Prelim is vital for SQA appeals. No-one wants to go through the business of hoping to get the right result by appeal. But, its better than not getting it at all and it counts just the same as an A,B or C in August.

A prelim which replicates the demands of the May exam is essential to this outcome. That requires the same kind of question, the same time allocation and the same exam conditions. It also depends on the marking being of the same standard as SQA marking, which isn't easy as teachers, as human beings, see things in their pupils' work the completely neutral SQA marker might not.

To better understand SQA standards, this website may be of assistance. Teachers who have experience of SQA marking are, naturally, better able to apply that standard than those who haven't.

Our prelim is going to the printers this week and will be in the post to those who have ordered it next week. It costs £40 incl postage.

If you would like to order the prelim (teachers only!!), either do so via the online store or by traditional school purchase order. I plan to run a webconference at the end of January for teachers with any queries on any aspect of the prelim, so please let me know if you'd be interested in this also.

PS It should, of course, be stated that this Prelim paper is, like all commercial papers, completely independent of SQA.


  1. hi there!
    i've just found your blog off the modernity scotland website and it's really useful!
    thank you!
    i'm currently studyding higher modern studies @ millburn academy :)

  2. Thanks Katie. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr McDiarmid a couple of years ago, he's possibly your teacher. Top guy!
